Py Wear was Founded by Madilyn, age 10.
About Py Wear:
My business name is Py Wear. I chose my name because my shirt is coding and py stands for python, and I want people to wear my clothing so I put Py Wear.
My back story:
Py Wear started out in 2021 there was designing and a lot of chnages. Py Wear wants to inspire kids to do more, and I chose a coding shirt because it's cool and I want more kids to try coding.
Mission Statement:
Py Wear's mission is to make kids do more things and try more things like coding and stuff. Coding can be fun and it can get you places in life. Without code there would not be video games, or and things like video games, or websites and apps.
Shirt Description:
- 100% polyester moisture management jersey
- Sewn with 100% polyester thread
- Ribbed collar
- Taped shoulder-to-shoulder
- Double needle hem sleeves and bottom
- Side seam construction
- EasyTear label
- Sizes: XS-XL